Friday, February 09, 2007


I've spent the last 24+ hours in constant air-travel or airport confinement. I'm finally in Chiang Mai, Thailand, but not much to report yet. I pretty much slept all day. I've made my first purchase (water and batteries, mostly to get smaller bills) at a 7-11. Took a long walk around the moat that surrounds the old city. Many smells to consider. Buddhist temples and spirit houses adorn the city streets. I look forward to more earnest exploration. Also, I need to learn how to use my new digital camera. Is there some reason the alkaline AA batteries that came with it ran out of juice within minutes of me turning it on for the first time to check out the features? Here's hoping they were bum batteries, and not that I will only get 4 minutes and 37 seconds of use out of each pair I buy.

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